Eds. Ana Catarina Pinho, Andrés Pachón Archivo Papers Journal, Vol.1, Issue 1 and 2, 2021
ISSN 2184-9218
The inaugural volume of Archivo Papers Journal (APJ) began with the simple premise of reflecting on today's images and its discourses and processes of meaning construction, by delving into Barthes's theoretical contributions concerning images as myths and the normalisation of certain ideas. To this end, an interdisciplinary group of researchers and practitioners was challenged to reflect on the current dynamics established with the technical image and how it influences meaning construction, thus contributing with critical reflections raised from historical, anthropological, psychoanalytical, and artistic standpoints.
Andrés Pachón
Ana Catarina Pinho
Contributing authors
Ana Lúcia Mandelli de Marsillac
Ana Teresa Vicente
Farrah Karapetian
Karine Chambefort-Kay
Luís Quintais
Toya Legido
Paul Lowe
Santiago Morilla
Featured artists
Masahisa Fukase
Ruth Sousa
Mandy Barker
Aletheia Casey
Tahmineh Monzavi
Ida Kar
Eline Benjaminsen Ioanna Sakellaraki
Simon Weckert
Cover images
Issue 1 © Simon Norfolk and Klaus Thymann
Issue 2 © Ioanna Sakellaraki
Archivo Papers Journal, 2021
ISSN 2184-9218