02-03 DEC 2021
University of Genoa, Italy
Aula Magna of the Scuola di Scienze Umanistiche (Via Balbi 2, Genova)
"Against Silence: The visual archive and echoes of the Portuguese Colonial war"

The twenty-fist century emerges from the troubled history of the twentieth century, with its world wars and its conflicts on a European scale, such as the Spanish Civil War. This conference, organised by the research group “MemWar. Memory and oblivion of twentieth-century wars and trauma” (Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Genoa), aims to look at how the memory of these conflicts is handed down in the twenty-first century, how it is represented, which are the blind spots and/or obscure points in this process – also from a critical perspective (Ricoeur, 2003) − and how power relations between official discourse and counter-discourse are developed.
Organizing Committee
Anna Giaufret, Luca Ciotoli, Laura Quercioli, Stefano Vicari, Marie Gaboriaud
Scientific Committee
Elisa Bricco, Alessia Cassani, Roberto Francavilla, Marie Gaboriaud, Anna Giaufret, Joachim Gerdes, Simona Leonardi, Michele Porciello, Laura Quercioli Mincer, Ilaria Rizzato, Micaela Rossi, Marco Succio, Stefano Vicari